And Breathe… the festivities are over! I am not going to bang on my detox drum, but I am going to let you into a little secret. You can feel amazing when you put your mind to it. If you have been following my articles you will know I have a big birthday this year. In preparation for this I have been on an exploration to achieve a 2.0 version of myself. Putting old ghosts to rest, dealing with the present and working on loving myself (Wow - that’s really hard to write). You may think working in wellness for 20 years would have instilled that in me…NOPE; I know the theory, but never quite got the application right… that is until now.

Wellness… it’s a word that is batted around daily. With increased awareness of mental health, societies acceptance that ‘it’s ok’ to not be ok and to talk about your feelings, this industry is exploding. More of our clients are looking at healthier lifestyles and that starts with what we put into our body.

Recently I was lucky enough to listen to a key note speech at a spa conference and it has really changed the way I eat. I am at the beginning of my new lifestyle, but I can solemnly swear that my mood, energy and hormone levels are much improved. HOW? Well, after really understanding the risk of excessive sugar, dairy and artificial preservatives to your body at cellular level, a switch just clicked in my head. We have the power to help prevent diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cancer and Alzheimer’s. Considering the only thing in life that is certain… is death, I would prefer to be LIVING as well as I can.

The ignorant approach to this… is that everything is bad for you, therefore a nonchalant attitude of “I’m not even going to try” is common. With a little research you can understand the way your body works and what it needs to be healthy, and the tipping point from wellness to illness. By eating foods free of pesticides, added hormones and artificial flavourings and preservatives, you will immediately reap the rewards. Cutting down on meat, perhaps favouring chicken, turkey and fish will reduce bloating and digestive issues.

Milk… you drink it because of the calcium? There is so much more in vegetables, and we are the only species that drink milk past infancy… let alone milk from another animal! Have you tried oat milk? Don’t knock it until you do – it’s so creamy it’s lush. So, you see, by making some changes you too can improve your overall energy levels and feel happier and that is why we are also making changes at Weavers’.

So, for the New Year Weavers’ has launched a new and improved Healthy and Nutritious Menu, introducing two new salads. A Hug in a Bowl is packed with thyme roasted cauliflower, crunchy kale, feta, lemon dressing and our Seasonal Salad with winter-brussel sprouts shavings, dates, roasted cashews, pomegranate. Our top selling Weavers’ Green Power Salad remains with avocado, celery, grapes, honey almonds, gem leaves and young shoots, all from £11.95 and can be ordered in-spa or at The Swan’s Brasserie. We also have gone vegan with our smoothie and made some additions to our snack time menu. Health-tastic!

Load up on your anti-oxidants with our new salads and partner with one of our ‘Detox Delight’ treatments - 60 minute In Good Spirits Massage or a Glorious Mud Wrap from only £81.95 per person and begin the year with loving yourself a little more.